SASE Case Study Cover

Resume Database Website

United States, May 2024 – Present






My Role

Designer and Developer

User Group

Corporate sponsors that finanically support us

'Work Place'

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)

Tech Stack

React, TypeScript, AppScript, Chakra, MySQL, Node.js

Project Timeline

How can we inspire recruiters to connect with our students by providing a user-friendly overview of their profiles?

1. Identify Problem

Access pathways and navigation experience

2. Requirements Engineering

Why and what to build

3. Develop it

Choosing a tech stack

4. Final Product

Actual website and video demonstration


Problem With Past Implementations

Resumes were collected via Google Form and placed in a shared Google Drive for sponsors to view

  • No student information available at a glance
  • Hard to navigate between resumes
  • Feels unprofessional

Think of Design Requirements

A simple one page website is enough to handle our needs. But what should our website feature?

Requirement #1

Display all the student information we collect at a glance. e.g. year, major

  • Use a table to display information
  • Filter & sort to reduce search effort
Requirement #2

Easily navigate between resumes without losing sight of student information

  • Custom PDF viewer that allows for easy navigation between resumes
  • Responsive: PDF viewer opens to the side in desktop, and full-screen on mobile

Develop it!

I wanted to continue building upon my Javascript expertise, so I picked Javascript-related technologies.

Tech stack logos: React.js, Javascript, Typescript, ChakraUI libraryFrontend tech stack
Work-in-progress tech stack logos: React.js, Javascript, Typescript, ChakraUI libraryWork-in-progress backend tech stack

Final Design

Check out a live version of the website with dummy values or the GitHub repository.

Open resumes


Sort and filter resumes


Responsive design

Desktop → Mobile


Moving forward

The website can benefit from more advanced developments.

  1. Include a back-end database [In-progress 🚧]

    Store and update information automatically instead of manually uploading data

  2. Allow for greater user control

    E.g. resize columns by dragging column edges

  3. User testing with recruiters

    Iterate design based on user feedback

SASE board group pictureFun head shots taken with my SASE board members!
LogoJiaxi Tang

I hope you enjoyed your visit!

© Designed and developed with care by Jiaxi Tang.